Monday, November 14, 2011

Trailer Time: Being Flynn, starring Robert De Niro and Paul Dano

Wow, this one completely slipped my mind. I did a quick scan through the archives to check the last time I had written about this film, and it was way back in March. At the time it was titled Another Bullshit Night in Suck City, but it was clear that was never going to fly. Now it's called Being Flynn, and the amazing line up of talent it features appears to have paid dividends.

Based on the revered memoir by Nick Flynn, Paul Dano plays Nick, a social worker who spots his father(Robert De Niro) checking into a homeless shelter. The story follows their reunion and deals with their troubled pasts. Julianne Moore plays Nick's mom, with Olivia Thirlby, Dale Dickey, and Lili Taylor co-starring.  Perhaps the most surprising bit of all is that it was directed by Paul Weitz(Little Fockers, About a Boy). He's done good stuff before, both with his brother and as a solo director, but this looks to be on another level.

No firm release date has been nailed down, but it'll land some time next year. Check out the trailer for Being Flynn below...


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