Wednesday, December 21, 2011
J.J. Abrams' Star Trek sequel will shoot in 2D; IMAX a possibility
Sick of the constant rumors of who the villain will be in JJ Abrams' Star Trek sequel? Yeah, me too. The latest possibilities are a laundry list of old school 'Trek' bad guys, from the psychokinetic Helmsman Mitchell to the alien Talosians. Personally, I'll take any of them over seeing Khan again, but that's just me. One aspect of the film that we thought was settled last month apparently wasn't, and it revolves around Abrams' use of 3D.
We already knew that Paramount's plan was for the film to be released in 3D on May 17th 2013, but according to a recent statement given by Abrams, he revealed that it will actually be shot in 2D, then converted in post-production. Yuck....
Abrams: "We're shooting on film, 2D, and then we'll do a good high-end conversion like the 'Harry Potter' movie and all that. Luckily, with our release date now we have the months needed to do it right because if you rush it, it never looks good."
Post-converted 3D has a spotty history at best, but I don't think Abrams would put his name to anything that was subpar. Still, I think we'd all rather the risk not be taken at all, because Star Trek was perfectly awesome enough in 2D. But think how much better it would be in IMAX? Ooooohhh....
Abrams: "We were talking about [shooting in IMAX] and I would love to do it. IMAX is my favorite format; I'm a huge fan."
The entire cast is expected to return for the sequel, including Zoe Saldana, Chris Pine, Jon Cho, Anton Yelchin, and writer Bob Orci revealed that a role for Bruce Greenwood is there if he'll accept. New additions include Alice Eve as a totally new character, and Peter Weller. [MTV]