Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trailer Time: The Iron Lady, starring Meryl Streep and Jim Broadbent

We've already got Meryl Streep penciled in for another Best Actress nomination for her performance as Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady. She probably could've tackled the role with a Crocodile Dundee accent and somehow made it work. The bigger question is does she deserve to be nominated at all? And is the film a worthy representation of Thatcher's controversial reign?

Well, for me the answer is "No" on both counts. Streep is good. Heck, she's always good. But it's not her strongest performance, and it's not all her fault. The script by Abi Morgan(Shame) does her few favors, stripping away the parts of Thatcher's story that were the most interesting in favor of a bland "woman vs. the old boy establishment" theme.  Hey, Thatcher and her former butt buddy Ronald Reagan presided over two disastrous administrations(in my personal opinion), but she deserves better treatment than this.  Maybe that's why Streep, who appeared live at the screening I attended to say a few words, sounded like she was sortof apologizing as she quickly said a few words then headed for the hills.

A new trailer for The Iron Lady has been released ahead of it's upcoming December 16th release. Check it out below....


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