Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's a feast in the latest image from 'The Hobbit'

Truth be told, a lot of the images we've seen from The Hobbit have been hella boring. But y'know, it was the same with The Lord of the Rings. All the good stuff was saved for the film, and I hope that's the case here. Having read the book long ago, I know there's a lot of dead space in the story, and it looks like Peter Jackson is content giving us a taste of that rather than what he knows we want, like shots of Smaug the dragon.

The latest single image features Bilbo Baggins(Martin Freeman) looking rather confused while amongst a group of hungry dwarves, one of whom has food on his head. Not sure why. This is probably from the earliest parts of the film, before Bilbo, Thorin Oakenshield, and the rest of the crew head to reclaim the dwarves lost kingdom. 

On a positive note, the more images we get, the closer we are to the film's December 14th release date.


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