Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sarah Jessica Parker replaces Demi Moore in 'Lovelace'

Ugh. Talk about a serious step down. Earlier this week, Demi Moore took a powder from playing feminist activist Gloria Steinem in Lovelace. A serious loss of starpower, but one the already powerfully cast film could afford, with Amanda Seyfried, Peter Sarsgaard, Sharon Stone, and James Franco leading the pack. But replacing Moore is no easy task, and I wish they'd have chosen someone of equal stature, rather than what appears to be just phoning it in.

Sarah Jessica Parker, still smarting over the defining silence towards I Don't Know How She Does It, will be taking on the role. Ironic she'd be playing someone like Steinem, a feminist icon, when Parker spent so many years playing a faux feminist icon in Sex and the City's Carrie Bradshaw. Hate to break it to ya ladies, but she was really just an aging slut with lots of disposable income. And this comes from a dude who actually dug the show(but hates the movies).

While the Steinem role is pretty small, she played a major part in Linda Lovelace's life, so I expect it'll be an important piece of the film.  Filming is already underway, so we may see it by the end of the year. [Variety]


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