Saturday, January 28, 2012

Trailer Time: 'Mirror Mirror', starring Julia Roberts and Lily Collins

Maybe it's just me, but after watching the latest trailer for Mirror Mirror, I was expecting it to say something like "This Saturday Night on ABC Family!". With it's bright and gushy tone, plus that grating voice over, this is starting to look like exactly the type of Snow White film I didn't want to see from Tarsem Singh.

Starring Julia Roberts, Lily Collins, and Armie Hammer, Mirror Mirror is clearly going in the total opposite direction as Snow White and the Huntsman. Looking like it was bathed in birthday cake batter, Mirror Mirror doesn't even quite look like it's aiming for the Twilight set, but more like the Ramona and Beezus demo.

It's possible that I'm wrong, and that this is all some sort of misdirection by Singh. Roberts may be the film's saving grace, as she's absolutely dripping with maliciousness as the evil queen. Everybody else? Eh. Can take 'em or leave 'em.  We'll see how things turn out when Mirror Mirror hits on March 30th. For now, enjoy the new trailer....


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