Friday, January 20, 2012

Trailer Time: 'Project X', produced by Todd Phillips

Todd Phillips was making big bucks off crazy R-rated party comedies long before The Hangover. Remember Old School? The success of his two flicks featuring the Wolfpack have pretty much made him the go-to guy for comedies with a bit of an edge. His name alone can even turn a crapper like Due Date into a box office hit.

Just how much weight Phillips' name carries is about to be put to the test again as producer of Project X, the very R-rated, found footage flick about a bunch of high school kids experiencing the booziest, wildest party of all-time. Dogs on trampolines, midgets in the oven, roof diving, scantily clad chicks...>sigh<....brings back old memories. It kinda looks like Chronicle, only minus the superpowers.

Ahem. Anyway, it's directed by Nina Nourizadeh who nobody's ever heard of. The footage we've seen so far, including that in this brand new trailer, still keeps the plot under wraps. That's assuming there is a plot buried in there somewhere. I tend to be a big fan of movies that use parties as the central location or as key elements(Nowhere and Can't Hardly Wait are two favorites), and Project X appears to have a ton of frantic energy powering it. Plus it's co-written by Michael Bacall(Scott Pilgrim vs. The World), who knows a thing or two about how stupid young people can act.  Project X opens on March 2nd, so check out the trailer for yourself....[Comingsoon]


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