Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sure Shots: Cameron Diaz; Jaume Collet-Serra; Gavin O'Connor

* Cameron Diaz and Benicio Del Toro are set to star in the terrible sounding action/comedy, Agent: Century 21. It's not as cool as it sounds, trust me. Diaz will play a divorcee and real estate agent who, feeling like she can't catch a break, decides to take on a dangerous job for her boss which lands her in the middle of a Mexican drug war. >sigh< Del Toro will play the leader of a cartel who takes pity on her and offers her a chance to save her own life if she can avenge the death of his son. You're probably thinking Robert Luketic(Killers) is the director, right? Nope. It's some Danish guy named Adam Hashemi making his debut. [Variety]

* It's been a roller coaster couple of years for Jaume Collet-Serra, after finding some acclaim for his schlocky horror flick, Orphan. He followed that up by directing Unknown, which was a tepid thriller starring Liam Neeson. It did respectable, early season business, but not many liked it. Probably because Neeson didn't kick a lot of ass in it. He was next set to direct Warner Brothers' live-action Akira, and we all know how that panned out. He also lost out to the unproven Noam Murro in the race to direct 300: Battle of Artemisia. With all else having failed, Collet-Serra is teaming back up with Neeson for action thriller, Non-Stop. Yes, the film sounds as generic as the title suggests. Basically it's Taken on a jet plane, as Neeson is forced to stop some sort of threat during an international flight. Yeah, you can pretty much pencil in a January or February release date for this one.

* Gavin O'Connor got screwed when his great MMA flick, Warrior, was soundly ignored by audiences last year. It was a much smarter, deeper, guy flick than many give it credit for. That's basically been a trend for O'Connor, who will now try to make something out of Yakuza, an action flick set in the post-Tsunami criminal underworld of Japan. The story follows an American intelligence officer who squares off against a Yakuza godfather. O'Connor and Josh Fagin will rewrite the script, initially penned by Chap Taylor(Changing Lanes). [Deadline]


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