Monday, May 14, 2012

Taylor Lautner to star in parkour thriller, 'Tracers'

So it looks like the folks at FilmNation still think Taylor Lautner can be a viable action star. Nobody else seems to think so anymore, after the failure that was Abduction, which led to Lautner losing his gig on Stretch Armstrong. But that's all about to change, because Lautner is about to enter the exciting, wall climbing, obstacle leaping world of parkour in a new film.

Lautner will star in Tracers, an action film from director Daniel Benmayor(the upcoming Hitman sequel). Lautner will play a bike messenger(!!!?) named Cam(??), who thinks he's the hottest thing on two wheels. The problem is he's in major debt to a criminal organization, but when he crashes into some sexy chick named Nikki, Cam finds himself sucked into the exciting world of parkour. I'm assuming he uses the cool, but trendy physical discipline to kick some ass and get the money he needs to not get thrown off a balcony or something. To be fair, parkour makes for some awesome movies. Created by David Belle, he would go on to use it in District B13, arguably the best action movie of the last decade.

Do I want to see Lautner attempting parkour, though? Hell no. Lautner does have a pretty extensive background in martial arts, but parkour is a totally different beast. So all we're bound to get are a lot of shots of his naked chest, and tons of cut-away scenes while someone else does all the really intense stuff. Mary Bowen and Wyck Godfrey, producers of the Twilight films, are backing this one, because they realize where their bread is buttered. Overall, this sounds kinda terrible, but it might be comically awful and thus worth keeping an eye on. For a taste of what parkour is, check out the video below....


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