Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1st poster for Dreamworks' 'Me and My Shadow'

Pixar may still be the animation king, but Dreamworks has been slowly gaining on them in recent years. The trend now it seems, based on Tangled and Disney's amazing looking Paperman, is to blend CG animation with traditional hand drawn. So far the combination has worked brilliantly, and Dreamworks is looking to capitalize with their latest film, Me and My Shadow.

The first poster for the film has been released, and it shows that Dreamworks is really catching up to Pixar in the CG department. Alessandro Carloni(How to Train Your Dragon) will make his directorial debut, with the living shadow in the film done in hand drawn style, and his human counterpart in CG. Bill Hader voices Stan, a shadow who yearns for a bit more excitement in his life, but knows that won't happen as long as he's stuck with the boring Stanley Grubb(Josh Gad). When a crime in the shadow world puts his and Stanley's lives in danger, Stan breaks the cardinal rule and takes control to investigate. 

Me and My Shadow also features the voice of Kate Hudson, and is expected to hit theaters on March 14th 2014.