Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Beautiful 6-minute clip from Joe Wright's 'Anna Karenina'

Joe Wright's films have always moved with a fluidity and grace few others can match, and it's been a pleasure watching him bring his style a number of different genres. Last year's Hanna, for the few faults it had, was a gorgeously shot action thriller.  But what Wright is best know for are his period pieces, movies like Pride and Prejudice, or Atonement. He's jumping back into his comfort zone with an adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, and based on everything we've seen previously, it's looking like his most ambitious project yet.

A new six-minute clip has been released, giving us a glimpse at the unique vision he has for the literary classic. The footage intro has Wright explaining his process, filming the entire thing inside of a dilapidated theater, and building over 100 interconnected sets. When you see all of that put into action, it's really quite remarkable, as characters seamlessly go from one set to something completely different. The level of decadence on display here is probably more than Tolstoy could have imagined, only about half a notch below that of Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby. Period pieces aren't usually my bag, but Wright's rarely let me down in the past(The Soloist was awful), and this looks like a winner.

Keira Knightley teams up with Wright for the third time, joined by Aaron Johnson and Jude Law, in the 19th century Russian tale of romance, jealousy, faith, and society. Anna Karenina hits theaters here on November 9th. Check out the clip below...