Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Warner Bros. targets Pontius Pilate Biblical epic

I'd like to have a nice long conversation with whoever flipped the Biblical epic switch over in Hollywood. With Darren Aronofsky prepping Noah, two movies based on Moses by Ridley Scott and Steven Spielberg, Will Smith planning Cain & Abel, and even Paul Verhoeven's Jesus story in the works, it has me dying for the days when every other movie was about dinosaurs or crashing meteors. Now Warner Bros., who just shot down making The Dark Tower by the way, have given the thumbs up to a story on Pontius Pilate, the guy who sent Jesus Christ to the crucifix. Oh, this ought to be fun.

Titled simply Pontius Pilate, the script comes from Vera Blasi(Woman on Top), and according to Deadline has a Gladiator meets Braveheart epic scope. The story will center on Pilate's ascension from a simple warrior whose battlefield acumen sets him on the political course that led to his becoming prefect of Judea, getting in over his head amidst Jerusalem's religious firestorm, and ultimately the judge who gives the ok to execute Jesus. I guess that would qualify as a major "Oops" moment. Blasi reportedly spent about 10 years researching, pulling about 80% of the story from historical records while the rest is  just pulled out of her arse.

There'll be tons of celebrity cameos, too! Mary Magdalene, John the Baptist, that crazy old coot Caligula, Tiberius, and Salome will all turn up, drop a joke or two, then hit the bricks. For Warner Bros., I guess this is their way of making up for Mel Gibson's failed Judah Macabee flick. Honestly, you can catch up on Pontius Pilate's story every single friggin' Sunday on The History Channel, so why even bother? Oh yeah...controversy equals $$$.


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