Friday, October 12, 2012

New Kickstarter campaign launched for Davd Fincher's 'The Goon'!

There needs to be a movie version of The Goon right now. Eric Powell has been trying to get an animated, big screen adaptation of his supernatural comic book series off the ground for a few years and has been stonewalled at every turn. This despite David Fincher being on board as a fan and producer, along with a fantastic trailer and early test footage that perfectly captures the blend of gruff violence and humor of the series. But Powell, Fincher, and Blur Studios haven't given up, and have launched their own Kickstarter campaign to raise money to get the film made.

Powell hinted at this year's San Diego Comic-Con that he'd be launching the campaign, and now we see that his target goal is $400,000 to directly fund a story reel that will be used to try and sell the concept to studios and get it made. Fincher will produce, with Tim Miller and Jeff Fowler co-directing. Clancy Brown will voice the brutish Goon, a mobster's enforcer who uses his strength to combat demons, zombies, and other supernatural forces. Paul Giamatti will voice the Goon's buddy, Franky.

I'll definitely be sending a few dollars there way, and hopefully before long we'll be talking about a date for production to finally begin. Simply go here if you're interested in donating and receiving some cool perks in the process. Or if you need a little more convincing, check out the original trailer below....


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