Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Of course there will be a 'Taken 3'!

That didn't take long, now did it? Although critics soundly trashed Taken 2(my review here), all those ill words fell on deaf ears as fans still turned up to the tune of over $50M domestic. Throw in another $70M on the international market and that spells "sequel". But does Liam Neeson want to come back for another one? He's been pretty vocal about this being the end.

Co-Writer Robert Mark Kamen doesn't say anything about where Neeson's head is at, but he does say the studio wants a Taken 3, and of course it's being done for all the right reasons(*snort*). He tells Hollywood.com....

Kamen: "We didn't start talking about [it[ until we saw the numbers.  But then we said, 'Oh, okay. I think we should do a third one.' And Fox wants us to do a third one."

Of course they do, but where would the story go? Who's left to be kidnapped? The family dog?

Kamen: "We've taken everyone we can take — it's going to go in another direction. "Should be interesting."

Doubtful. Taken 2 was only "interesting" in that it failed even as just a film for fans of the action genre. It was old, slow, and in my mind did irreparable harm to the brand.  Not that Luc Besson will care about that, as we've seen with his Transporter franchise, he'll keep crankin' these bad boys out as long as they turn a profit. There's nothing without Neeson, though, so let's hope he decides to send agent Bryan Mills on a permanent vacation.


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