Monday, November 19, 2012

Trailer for Harryhausen-esque 'Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage'

Fans of the work of visual effects legend Ray Harryhausen may want to take notice of Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage because it's immediately apparent the film is an homage to Dynamation, the unique blend of stop-motion animation, live-action, and color effects he was famous for. For more contemporary audiences the effects will appear subpar, but for those who grew up on Jason and the Argonauts or Clash of the Titans it will be a welcome piece of nostalgia.

Featuring narration by Patrick Stewart, the film stars Shahin Sean Solimon as the titular hero who is tasked with venturing to a magical island full of strange creatures when a Sultan's daughter is kidnapped by an evil sorcerer. Directed by David Winning(Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie), it's obvious he has a deep love for Harryhausen's style that clearly outweighs any financial gain from making a movie like this. Clearly it's not going to play in any theaters, and appears to be having some trouble securing a release. Not much of a surprise.  Check out the trailer for Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage below....


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