Thursday, December 13, 2012

Two new clips from Quentin Tarantino's 'Django Unchained'

Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained has already unspooled in front of critics and...boy are the reactions polarizing! There's going to be a lot of heated debated on it from now until long after it opens on Christmas Day, with some loving the director's bombastic approach to making a political statement on racism, and others thinking maybe he went a touch overboard in that same regard. I'll save my own opinion for now because I must, but what can be said is that Django Unchained is a film everyone will want to see, if only to be able to weigh in on the discussion.

Christoph Waltz and Leonardo DiCaprio will be squaring off in the Best Supporting Actor category at the Golden Globes, and the today's two new clips are a prime example why. In one, we see Dr. King Schultz(Waltz) and Django(Jamie Foxx) ascertaining the location of the freed slave's wife, Brumhilda(Kerry Washington), but they'll have to play it calm and not blow their opportunity. In the other, Leonardo DiCaprio hams it up as slave owner Calvin Candie, who besides speaking some piss-poor German has also taken quite an interest in the mysterious Django.

Check out the clips below....[IGN/Yahoo]


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