Thursday, December 13, 2012

Watch the eerie final trailer for Kathryn Bigelow's 'Zero Dark Thirty'

Zero Dark Thirty has been the most dominant presence on the awards circuit thus far, with Kathryn Bigelow reaping her share of nominations along with star Jessica Chastain. Both deserve all of the accolades in the world for what they manage to accomplish with a very daring and ambitious film like this, but the rest of the ensemble shouldn't be forgotten in the process.

The final trailer begins with who I think is the real showstopper, Jason Clarke as Dan, and he more so than any other signifies the changing winds of the war on terror. Shaggy-bearded and menacing, he's at first willing to go to any lengths(read: torture) to get information from a detainee. When we meet him later on....well, he's in a slightly different position that flies in the face of everything he had done previously. There's a ton of new footage here, along with a rather ominous cover of Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" to add to the heavy mood.

Joel Edgerton, James Gandolfini, Jennifer Ehle, Mark Strong, Chris Pratt, and Mark Duplass will lead the powerful Zero Dark Thirty on December 19th, before going wide on January 11th....


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