Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Tom Clancy's 'Ghost Recon' headed to the big screen
The video game movie genre has essentially paralleled that of comic book movies, in that they were once the absolute cinematic pits, but are now being snatched up by Hollywood left and right. It only makes sense, considering that games now have budgets to rival major studio blockbusters, storylines that are often more complex, and voice casts to rival the likes of Pixar or Dreamworks.
According to the LA Times, the next major video game to get the big screen treatment is Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, the best-selling tactical military shooter that began back in 2001. The word was broken by UbiSoft Motion Pictures chief Jean-Julien Baronnet, who revealed that a pitch is currently being developed. UbiSoft is also prepping an adaptation of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, which recently landed Tom Hardy for the role of covert agent Sam Fisher. Assassin's Creed, another popular UbiSoft title, has Michael Fassbender attached. The Ghost Recon games are more team-oriented, so they may aim to make this an ensemble rather than gunning for an A-lister to be the face of it.
One thing is clear, and it's that UbiSoft is looking to be a major player in Hollywood for some time to come, and they've got the recognizable franchises to do it. For a glimpse at how a Ghost Recon film may look, check out the live-action short for Ghost Recon: Alpha, produced by Ridley Scott.
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