Tuesday, March 5, 2013

'Justice League' rumors: Christian Bale out, Christopher Nolan in

We got hit with a pretty gigantic rumor yesterday, and like so many of them have recently it involved Warner Bros. flailing attempts to get their superhero house in order.  It went that they were turning to their old pal Christopher Nolan to produce and oversee their entire line, including the developing Justice League film, and that he'd be bringing along Man of Steel director Zack Snyder, with Christian Bale again putting on the Batman suit. Basically, it was nearly everything most fans could have asked for, which makes the news highly suspicious at best.

One of the writers over at Comic Book Movie has tapped into their own source, whoever that may be, who confirms Nolan's involvement, as well as that of Snyder, both as producers. Snyder is still being looked at as possibility to direct if all things go smoothly with Man of Steel.

It looks like Christian Bale is out, though, with plans moving forward to recast Batman in a whole new story. That sounds like no chance of Joseph Gordon-Levitt coming back as Bat-Robin or Nightwing or whatever he would have been called. Will Beall's script is reportedly still in play, even though it was said to have been thrown out and rewritten by David Goyer. The source says "If Bale is coming back and Goyer is penning, it's news to Warner Bros.".

Do I believe this "confirmation" even in the slightest? Not really, no. The story goes on to say that the source is "noticeably uncomfortable" because the film isn't even in pre-production yet, but that apparently hasn't stopped him from babbling about what the plans could be. I still think the Nolan aspect is the most likely to pan out, but not because of anything this latest report has to add.

The gossip is going to keep flying fast and furious until Warner Bros. gets off their butt and comes up with an actual plan, so expect more on this soon.


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