First, a few confessions.
1. I am and always have been a fan of Ice Cube the actor.
2. I think Kevin Hart is the funniest comedic actor working right now.
3. I don't believe sticking to the obvious and following a formula is always a bad thing...if the jokes are good.
Now, Ride Along, a film showcasing the man who once happily rapped "F$*k the Police" acting as an authority figure once again, is about as stuck to a formula as you can get. Ice Cube, the intimidating older brother is giving Kevin Hart, his little sister's boyfriend, a hard time and wants him to prove he's worthy of marrying 'lil sis. Sticking with the obvious Cube is a cop, Hart is a school security guard. Here's why I know this is going to work, sometime a story is no more than a vehicle and the actors are the reason you watch. You ever see your granddad wash a car? Is it the same experience as when Kate Upton does it in a bikini? No, same situation but the subject makes all the difference. Add to that the obvious chemistry between Cube and Hart and the fact that they are literally polar opposites on almost all levels and you have a movie you've seen before but in a different and much funnier way than previous incarnations. Check out the trailer below and tell me I'm wrong.
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