Monday, April 7, 2014

Marvel Confirms 'Captain America 3' will Face 'Batman vs. Superman' in 2016

With Captain America: The Winter Soldier racking up an incredible $96M its opening weekend, and $303M worldwide, Marvel has every reason to be confident in the strength of their brand. A few weeks ago Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige didn't back down from a rumor that Captain America 3 would open opposite Warner Bros.' Batman vs. Superman, and now it's been confirmed the two films will indeed have a showdown.

Marvel has announced Captain America 3 for May 6th 2016, pitting it against the Man of Steel sequel on that date. It's a ballsy move for both studios if they decide to stay, but considering how well 'The Winter Soldier' fared, one has to think Warner Bros. will back down because they have so much more to lose. In fact, some stories have already sprung up saying they intend to move back a week.

Joe and Anthony Russo will be back to direct, along with screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely who have hinted at seeing psychotic 1950s Captain America in the story.


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