Thursday, April 10, 2014
Trailer for Cancer Drama 'Decoding Annie Parker' with Samantha Morton, Helen Hunt, and Aaron Paul
Any story dealing with cancer is bound to be a tearjerker, well, with the exception of 50/50, and over the next couple of months cancer dramas are going to have audiences reaching for the Kleenex. It'll be in June that Shailene Woodley will battle the disease in The Fault in Our Stars, but before that Samantha Morton and Helen Hunt will try to defeat breast cancer in Decoding Annie Parker.
The trailer for Decoding Annie Parker has been released, and it tells the true story of Mary Claire King (Hunt), a geneticist who discovers the gene that causes breast cancer. Morton plays the the titular character who discovers she has cancer after it already claimed the lives of her mother and sister. The quirky vibe, and Aaron Paul's weird choice of hairstyles, seem like an odd mix with the serious subject matter, but there are hints of an edgier story if it isn't swallowed up by that awful musical score. Did they borrow it from the Oxygen Movie of the Week?
Directed by Steven Bernstein, Decoding Annie Parker opens May 2nd.
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