Thursday, June 19, 2014
Corey Stoll and Patrick Wilson's 'Ant-Man' Roles Revealed
Enough distance has been gained from the Ant-Man/Edgar Wright debacle that we can finally get back to plain old casting stories again. With Peyton Reed (Bring It On) on board to direct and Adam McKay giving the script a once-over, the film seems headed towards its goal of kicking off Marvel's "third phase" in 2015. With Paul Rudd set to play Scott Lang and Michael Douglas as original Ant-Man Hank Pym, word has come about the film's villains and who will be playing them.
First rumored by Joblo then confirmed by Jeff Sneider at The Wrap, Corey Stoll's (House of Cards) role is that of villain Darren Cross, while Patrick Wilson is Cross' cousin, William. In the comics, William Cross is also known as Crossfire but there's no guarantee he will make that transformation on the big screen. Darren Cross is the head of Cross Technological Enterprises, a rival of Tony Stark's in the field of advanced technology. Because of his heart troubles he underwent an experimental procedure that artificially enhanced his entire body and circulatory system, leaving him pink and "Hulkified", but in the film he will be a normal guy battling Ant-Man in a yellow and black militarized version of the hero's costume.
His cousin William was a trained CIA agent with a cybernetic eye who developed ultrasonic mind control technology that he used on superheroes. He rechristened himself Crossfire and became a high-priced mercenary with plans of making the superhero community fight amongst themselves.It's worth noting that Crossfire appears in the "To Steal an Ant-Man" episode of The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes that Edgar Wright referenced as an inspiration for the film.
Also starring Evangeline Lilly and Michael Pena, Ant-Man opens July 17th 2015.
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