Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Viggo Mortensen Rumored for Villainous Role in Quentin Tarantino's 'The Hateful Eight'

It's expected that Quentin Tarantino will begin filming The Hateful Eight in January for release later that year around awards time, but first he must finish putting together his cast. Only Samuel L. Jackson and Kurt Russell seem to be confirmed for it, while some who were part of the live table read may or may not return. Rumors suggest he's angling for much bigger names, possibly even Jennifer Lawrence, while a new rumor has surfaced that Viggo Mortensen could be targeted for a role.

According to the New York Daily News, Mortensen was spotted by a hotel guest talking with Tarantino at the Greenwich Hotel about a "ruthless gang leader" role. If this sounds like the shakiest of sources then you'd be right, but stranger things have happened. What's the difference between this source's eavesdropping for info and the recent Aquaman rumors that everybody is quick to believe? Not much, if you ask me. Give them both the side eye until something is actually confirmed.

But Mortensen teaming up with Tarantino for a bloody Western flick like The Hateful Eight is potentially awesome, and it would be good to see the actor in a high-profile mainstream role again after years in art house territory. Mortensen has taken on the genre before, starring in 2008's Appaloosa alongside Ed Harris.


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