Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Robert Downey Jr. Flip-Flops, Now says there are No 'Iron Man 4' Plans

Robert Downey Jr. continues to confound his fans over Iron Man 4, and yesterday he messed with their emotions in impressive fashion. Mere hours after appearing on Ellen and seeming to confirm Marvel's plans for a fourth Iron Man film, he appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman and contradicted himself.

RDJ: "There's no plans for an Iron Man 4. There's no script for Iron Man 4, but they do have a plan and I think they're gonna announce it. You know, [Marvel's] very secretive about it."

After yesterday's story I noted how Downey never specifically said anything about playing Iron Man, just that Marvel has plans for a movie. Later on in the broadcast with Letterman, Downey seems to hint further that Iron Man 4 could happen with another character in the suit while Tony Stark goes off and does other things.When the subject came up again he responded with this....

RDJ: ..."just between us, no, but I'm gonna do other stuff with Marvel. I'm still going to be involved with Marvel and there's gonna be plenty of fun stuff to happen."

As it stands right now we're going to see him return as Tony Stark for next year's Avengers: Age of Ultron, followed by Avengers 3 which may or may not be split into two movies. After that it's all up in the air but it sounds like Downey will be sticking with Marvel for awhile, just in a different kind of way. Perhaps he'll join the Guardians of the Galaxy like Stark did in the comics?


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