Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lee Daniels goes Horror with 'Demon House'

You won't find a Lee Daniels film in the Oscars race this year, although if he had stuck around for Selma that might've been the case. Instead he handed the reins over to Ava Duvernay (the early reviews are glowing, by the way), while Daniels last directed The Butler, which didn't pan out as expected. Now Daniels is switching gears entirely and entering the horror genre with Demon House.

Daniels will direct the possession thriller, which is naturally based on a true story because aren't they all? Anyway, Demon House centers on Latoya Ammons and her family who claim to have been victims of demon possession for the past two years. "The experience began with unusual occurrences in her home over two years ago, including swarms of flies around her porch in the winter and unexplainable creaking sounds in her basement. The events progressed to possessive incidents including her oldest daughter unconsciously levitating above her bed, medical staff witnessing her middle son gliding backward on the floor, wall and ceiling." Okay.

No word on who will star or even who will draft the script, but it'll be interesting to see how Daniels approaches the material. Ammons' story has been embraced by some, debunked by others, but I'm guessing he's going to play this one pretty straight. [Deadline]


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