Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Win an 'Interstellar' Swag Bag!!

Who here wishes Christmas could last more than a day? ...that's what I thought. Well we're joining up with Interstellar to make that happen and bring you one last gift before the new year! Up for grabs is an Interstellar swag bag including a fleece sweater, a t-shirt, baseball cap, and a water bottle, basically everything you need for your own intergalactic adventure (spaceship not included*)!

We're going to pick one lucky winner at random on Sunday night, the winner will be notified via email. To enter you just need to email with your favorite aspect of Interstellar. It can be an actor, a scene, a part of the story, a technical aspect, whatever you want! Just make sure to include your name and email address so we can contact you if you win!

Interstellar is NOW PLAYING in Theaters and IMAX!


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