Friday, September 2, 2011

The suspects are revealed in new clip from Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy!

As if I needed more reason to pack my bags and head overseas for awhile, the UK will be getting their  grubby paws on Tomas Alfredson's(Let The Right One In) adaptation of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy months ahead of us. We have to wait until December 9th while they get it later this month. Isn't that a crime against humanity or something? 

Based on John le Carre's classic 1974 spy novel, the film boasts a ridiculous cast including Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, John Hurt, Mark Strong, Tom Hardy, and more. If the trailer we saw back in June had you salivating the way it did me, then that's nothing compared to how good this new clip looks. In it, we see Control(John Hurt) filling in agent Jim Prideaux(Mark Strong) on who the mole that has infiltrated their ranks may be. Check it out below, courtesy of Empire...


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