Monday, February 20, 2012

Terrible new poster for Eddie Murphy's 'A Thousand Words'

Muhahahahaha! And you thought Tower Heist was going to be Eddie Murphy's big comeback, didn't you? While he may have been the best thing about that Ben Stiller ensemble comedy, it was a pretty low bar, and Murphy doesn't look to be following it up with anything worth a squirt. His next dreadful looking comedy is A Thousand Words, and all you really need to know is that it was directed by the guy who gave us Norbit.

Basically, the film was completed back in 2008, an eternity in Hollywood time. While part of the reason is that it looked awful, the reason it was delayed so long had more to do with behind the scenes legal issues involving the studios, but once that was cleared up there was never any hurry to get this turd nugget out into theaters. Reshoots were done last year to punch up the humor, and the result is the disaster we got a whiff of with last November's trailer.  Now Dreamworks has given us a new poster's about as lazy as you can get. A bunch of stills from the film arranged into a collage with Murphy looking like he's about to belch up something foul. 

What's the film even about? Take a guess. Murphy plays a guy who is cursed with only having one thousand words left to speak before he dies. So think an even more cruel(and unfunny) version of Liar Liar.  A Thousand Words opens on March 9th. [Blackfilm]


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