Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sylvester Stallone's 'Expendables' Beef with Bruce Willis is Over Money, Of Course

As awesome as it was to learn that Harrison Ford, friggin' Han Solo and Indiana Jones (and Regarding Henry, unfortunately) would be joining The Expendables 3, it was far from the most interesting aspect of the story. Nor was it that Bruce Willis had unceremoniously departed the film, because stuff like that happens all of the time. Nope, it was Sylvester Stallone calling Willis "greedy and lazy" that people understandably latched on to. I can't really argue with the "lazy" claim, I've seen all of Willis' recent films and frankly he's not even trying, but "greedy"? What's that all about?

Turns out the issue is money, of course, but such a small amount (to guys like them, anyway) that it makes both look like raging blowhards. According to THR's source, the flap is over what amounts to $1M spread over the course of a 4-day shoot. Stallone offered Willis $3M, but he instead countered with a $4M demand or he'd drop out. Stallone refused, dropped Willis like a bad habit, and reached out to Ford, who the source says is "a better actor, a much nicer person and a more interesting direction for the film." Better actor, sure. But nicer? Go ask Ford who would win in a fight between Han Solo and Indiana Jones and see how nice he is.

Whatever, the whole thing is silly. Stallone looks like a control freak and hot head, while Willis looks like a prima donna. And all of this over The Expendables 3, which is basically a total lark of a film.


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