Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sherlock Holmes

Does anyone expect this movie to be less than great? The trailers alone give you enough for the price of admission, but the question remains just how good is it? Well, pretty damn good I feel confident in saying. The film starts as Holmes and Watson close their final case before Watson moves off with his fiancĂ©e. The case at hand is that of Lord Blackwood, a black magic practitioner who has killed five girls and is ready to kill a sixth when he is finally captured by Holmes and Watson and sentenced to death by Scotland Yard. Case closed…or so they think. Following the hanging of Lord Blackwood Holmes is pulled back in when Blackwood’s tomb is found demolished from the inside and when the coffin is pulled the body inside is not who it should be. The game is again afoot. The race is then on for Holmes and Watson to find Lord Blackwood and for Holmes and his intellect to figure out what he is up to and how it is being done.

Damn is it good to have Robert Downey Jr. back, as he continues to exceed himself in his ability to play even the most complex of character’s. Downey’s Holmes is just as, if not more, charismatic, memorable and endearing as Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow. The true magic, however, lies in the chemistry between Downey as Holmes and Jude Law as Dr. Watson, without this completely believable display of brotherly love the film would not work, I am happy to say that the two of them pulled it off remarkably. Add to this Guy Ritchie showing us a beautiful, albeit, dirty London and you have an amazing concoction. I found that one of the coolest things about the movie is the way in which Ritchie shows us Holmes’ mind at work. He chooses to show us in the form of forethought how Holmes sees things and deduces the correct route in which to follow, in doing this he allows us to see the blinding speed at which the gears in the super sleuth’s head turn. Though he’s a bit overshadowed by Downey’s performance, Jude Law stakes a real claim at returning to the screen a serious actor and not a tabloid headline. His Watson is the perfect balance of humor and sternness that you can tell Holmes needs to stay this side of sane. Hell, even Rachel McAdams proved to be more that just eye candy as Holmes’ female equivalent and one that got away.
The story itself is rather simple but the details are kept until just the right time to preserve an exciting reveal. This all being said, the true star is in the writing as it gives us not only the real feel of Sherlock Holmes but also the rapier wit which makes Sherlock Holmes a truly entertaining spectacle from beginning to end. Adding an exclamation to an already fine film is Hans Zimmer’s score, a kind of blue collar twang that fits the period and really serves to get you amped up for the scene it’s accompanying. I also think he hit the nail right on the head for Sherlock’s theme which embodies the same sophistication and odd quirkiness that the detective himself does. The film wasn’t without its share of problems however, it seemed to run about 30 minutes too long (what’s with this insistence that every big movie must be 2 ½ hours these days!), mostly due to some scenes and subplots that felt like they were better suited for the cutting room floor and some of the mysticism of the film felt forced but this is the sum of its issues.

It’s sufficient to say we owe Guy Ritchie and co. a great round of thanks for bringing back to us one of the greatest heroes in history. Before Batman was the worlds greatest detective there was Sherlock Holmes, Ritchie’s made us remember that. Besides, next to Holmes ole’ Bats seems like kind of a downer not to mention I think Holmes has more in his utility belt (that’s not a euphemism….he really does have a utility belt). If I were you , and you’ve already been out to see Avatar, I would definitely spend some time this holiday season with Holmes and Watson. Oh, and for you die hard Sherlock Holmes purists, not to worry Ritchie didn’t forget about you nor did he forget about a certain professor. Something tells me a Sherlock Holmes 2 may be in our future!


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