Thursday, December 24, 2009

Trailer for Kevin Smith's New Film, Cop Out!

Lordy that's an awful title. When it became clear that Kevin Smith was not going to be allowed to name his new cop comedy A Couple of Dicks(which would've been perfect), I knew there was trouble on the horizon. But to change the name to something as....lame and soft-footed as Cop Out? Ugh.  It stars Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan as an oddball pair of dopey cops, but that's not really the story here. This is the first instance where Kevin Smith isn't directing one of his own scripts, and to me it shows. I'm sorry but this looks like some pretty lazy stuff, bearing a resemblance some of the worst buddy comedies(usually starring Martin Lawrence) of the last decade. I'll hold out hope for this one only because I have faith in Smith, but this director-for-hire thing might be a lost cause.

Check out the trailer for yourselves and let us know what you think!


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