Friday, October 1, 2010

Dicaprio, Maguire, Seyfried in The Great Gatsby?

I've liked every single version of The Great Gatsby that's ever been made. I've read F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel at least a half dozen times, always identifying more with Nick Carraway each time. I love money, but don't necessarily want to be a millionaire. At least not like the folks in the book, anyway. The 1974 film adaptation(with Robert Redford, Sam Waterston, and a vivacious Mia Farrow) can never be passed up if it's caught on TV. Hell, I even like the most recent one with Mira Sorvino. Go figure. I geeked out when Vinnie Chase did a Martin Scorsese directed version of it on Entourage.

Baz Luhrmann(Moulin Rouge) has been trying to piece together yet another version for a couple of years, but info has been extremely scarce ever since. Now it's looking like things could be kicking back into gear as Production Weekly offers a vague but enticing bit of info on possible casting....

Rumored casting for The Great Gatsby, Leonardo DiCaprio for Jay Gatsby, Tobey Maguire for Nick Carraway & Amanda Seyfried for Daisy Buchanan

Ahhh the limits of 140 characters. That's all that was provided, but whether it's true or not the fact that it was even mentioned indicates that something is clearly going on. I'm a mark for all three of those actors and seeing them together in one of my favorites has me pretty jazzed.  Expect more info to drop on this soon.


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