Monday, January 10, 2011

Video: The Silver Surfer movie trailer

The Silver Surfer has always been one of my favorite Marvel characters. Not only does he have the ultra sleek look, but his character is supremely powerful but emotionally aloof, only showing up during the most dire situations(most of the time, anyway). When the character showed up in the Fantastic Four sequel, I was as hyped as anyone, and for the most part I think he was handled pretty well. He was definitely the best thing about that horrible flick. There were even rumors of a possible Silver Surfer spinoff, but that's pretty much dead and buried at this point. But what might a Silver Surfer movie have looked like? It'd have to be huge, intergalactic action with a ton of different alien races. It damn sure wouldn't be cheap.

I love fan-made trailers, and Youtube user TheTwinTwo has pieced together another brilliantly constructed trailer for what the film might've looked like. I don't think it's nearly as good as the Thundercats trailer from a couple of years ago but it's pretty slick. I love the use of the soliders from 300 as the Kree soliders. And it makes perfect sense to use Aliens as the template for the Brood. There are a couple of not so good looking scenes where it looks a bit rushed(such as a scene where a Skrull's ear seems to be floating off it's head), but all in all I think is a very cool trailer. Check it out for yourself below!


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