Monday, August 8, 2011

Jason Momoa writing script for a Conan sequel

Whether or not Conan the Barbarian turns out to be any good at all, it's clear that it's star, Jason Momoa, has a deep rooted love for Robert E. Howard's legendary warrior king. While we've already know that sequels are in the works, likely dependent on whether or not this film is a hit, Momoa is hard at work in piecing it together, revealing to Crave Online that he is writing the script himself...

“I wrote it,” he said, “we’re waiting to see if they’ll accept it.”

Momoa may look like just another meat head, but the guy has written and directed a short film before, but this obviously a totally different beast. According to him, Conan was supposed to incorporate more monsters and mythological creatures than it does, but didn't want to appear to be too much like Clash of the Titans. Hm, probably a good idea...

“It’s character-adapted, because I really want to get into more of the mythical creatures, you know?,” Momoa explains about his script. “We wanted to go there [in the first one], but having ‘Clash of the Titans,’ and coming out against that, we wanted to put the budget into some other things. We couldn’t get to that level with [...] the visual effects and stuff. [...] I don’t want to give anything away, but we already have our Conan, really it’s about the villain, what that villain is going to extract from Conan, and where as an actor I want to go with Conan. You know, no one’s going to know what I want to do better than me. We want to incorporate three different things, because obviously you don’t just want to do the [existing] story, because the fans already know it. You want to keep them on their toes. So, I think we have a good lock on it. Also, I feel it’s beautiful… How many actors get to go in there and go, ‘I’m part of the writing process?’ and care that much about the character, because he is a fan himself?,” he says adding, “I want to @#$%ing make a great Conan movie.”

Dude is definitely excited, and it's probably a smart move whether a sequel is warranted or not. Momoa has a look that will keep him employed for a long time, but this way he truly puts his career in his own hands. And y'never know, it may lead to him being able to create his own one man action hero franchise down the line.

Judging by the trailers we've seen of the film, I'm not expecting much but a few catchy lines and a lot of blood splatter. I was actually talking to somebody about this the other day, but those Arnold Schwarzenegger Conan films aren't any great shakes. They're ok, but kinda stiff and lifeless as far as fantasy films go. Momoa may actually turn out to be a better Conan in the long run, especially if he turns this into a franchise. We'll find out when Conan the Barbarian hits theaters on August 19th!


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