Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Trailer Time: Moneyball, starring Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill

If I have to watch a movie about how a professional baseball team with the lowest of expectations turns itself into a contender, I'd rather it be Major League. Period. Even with a great cast including Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Robin Wright, I can't get excited about a movie which sounds like it's mostly about stats and figures. A deathgrip reliance on stats and figures is a primary reason why I can't stand baseball as it is.

Moneyball is based on Michael Lewis's book about Oakland Athletics GM Billy Beane(Pitt) and how he used a controversial sabermetrics system to turn the team into a winner, despite having a low budget roster nobody considered a legit threat. Steven Soderbergh was once attached to direct but due to creative issues dropped out, to be replaced by Bennett Miller(Capote). Aaron Sorkin(The West Wing) wrote one draft of the script, which was eventually rewritten by Steve Zaillian. Check out the latest trailer below...

Thanks to Joblo for the vid. The film looks better than it sounds, and I'm hoping I love this the way I loved The Social Network(also written by Sorkin). I had zero interest in the origins of Facebook, either.

Moneyball hits theaters on September 23rd!


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