Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Trailer Time: The Descendants, starring George Clooney

If you can believe it, The Ides of March might not be the best movie George Clooney puts out in 2011. The advanced reviews for The Descendants have been out of this world, with Clooney being singled out in particular as a possible Best Actor contender. Shouldn't come as a surprise, considering the film is from Alexander Payne, the Sideways director who got four amazing performances from some unlikely folks.

This new trailer is basically a teaser, in which Clooney's character waxes on about how life can even be difficult in a place like Hawaii. The kooky music makes me think this is a sillier film than expected. The story centers on a wealthy land baron who tries to reconnect with his daughters after his wife suffers a severe injury. Check out the trailer below, and look out for The Descendants when it hits on November 18th....


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