Sunday, January 22, 2012

Trailer Time: 'Detention of the Dead', starring Christa B. Allen and Max Adler

It's not enough that the zombie movie genre has become watered down and overcrowded, but even the zombie spoof is lumbering towards insignificance. Every now and then we get a good one like Zombieland, but most are just satisfied being a poorer version of Shaun of the Dead. Looking and sounding a lot like the latter is Detention of the Dead, a new indie zom-com from writer/director Alex Craig Mann.

You can probably tell what it's about just by the title, but what you're looking at is basically The Breakfast Club meets Dawn of the Dead. The film stars a bunch of people you've probably never heard of, except for Max Adler who will be familiar to some for playing Dave Karofsky on Glee.

No official release date has been set yet, but it's expected some time in the first half of 2012. Check out the trailer below....[Shocktilyoudrop]


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