Tuesday, May 8, 2012

No sh*t! 'The Avengers 2' confirmed by Disney

Pfft! What kind of day and age are we living in when a movie can make $207M over a single weekend and expect to automatically get a sequel? That's crazy talk. Disney is apparently living in this fantasy world because CEO Bob Iger has confirmed that The Avengers 2 is already in development. If this were the DC universe I'd think he'd somehow slipped into Bizarro World.

Obviously, this is a no-brainer move for Marvel, Disney, and Paramount. Iger, who was probably lighting his cigar rolled with crisp $100 bills as he said this, called The Avengers "a great illustration of why we like Marvel so much". No sh*t, Sherlock. It made money. Money make empty suit happy.

Marvel's got a long way to go to get there, though. Iron Man 3 is next up on the list, and sequels to Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor are set for next year and 2014. So we're at least three years away, and I suspect maybe four years due to some additional heroes that may get thrown into the mix. I did an entire piece on this very subject yesterday, which you can find here. [Deadline]


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