Thursday, May 17, 2012

Original scribe Hampton Fancher returning to develop Ridley Scott's 'Blade Runner' sequel

If it hasn't become apparent yet, Ridley Scott is fully invested in following up Prometheus with a return to the world of his 1982 sci-fi gem, Blade Runner. Earlier today, Scott briefly talked about the project, revealing that the protagonist this time would be a woman, and that he was starting meeting on it in just a few days. Now the ball continues to roll, as we're learning original scribe, Hampton Fancher, will be reuniting with Scott to develop the story.

For the first time we're also learning that the film will indeed be a sequel, and not some nebulous story set in the same world like Prometheus' relationship to Alien. Plot details scarce, and likely will remain so until the day the film comes out, but we do know that it will take place "some years" after the original. Thanks for the clarification, Hoss. Another thing that seems clear is that Fancher won't be doing the actual scripting. Last September, Scott Z. Burns(Contagion) had his name thrown into the hat as a possible writer, and that may still be the case. Let's hope so.

Despite many people writing off the idea, I'm not convinced Harrison Ford won't return in some capacity as Deckard, even if it's just a cameo or a CG interpretation like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator Salvation. Whether he does or not, the film is pushing ahead, and that's a great thing. All of those other projects Scott has on the burner, with the exception of Cormac McCarthy's The Counselor, will have to take a back seat.


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