Monday, November 5, 2012

Harrison Ford open to returning as Han Solo in new 'Star Wars' trilogy

“As a character he was not so interesting to me. I thought he should have died in the last one to give it some bottom…George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”

That was what Harrison Ford had to say about Han Solo a couple of years ago, and as you can see he was never really all that fond of Star Wars' beloved smuggler and rogue. Ford's career has been so prolific that he can afford to have that attitude about the character. He doesn't need Star Wars in the least, but he may be convinced to come back for the new trilogy, even if it's just to finally send Solo to the grave.

EW notes a source that says Ford is open to the idea of returning for the new trilogy, with Star Wars: Episode VII targeted for 2015. They go on to say that he, along with Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, are "upbeat" about returning in what could be a story set decades in the future. Hamill and Fisher met with Lucas last summer about possibly coming back, meaning this has been in the works well before the deal with Disney went down. It's possible Ford could put into his contract a clause requiring Solo die, as he was originally intended to in Return of the Jedi.

Ford won't make a move until a script and director are settled upon, and right now it's looking like Matthew Vaughn(X-men: First Class) may be the guy. Lucas is slipping into a creative consultant role, with new LucasFilm prez Kathleen Kennedy in the producer's seat. Considering the things he's said in the past, I'd be surprised to see Ford manning the Millennium Falcon again, but stranger things have happened. Ford did (unfortunately) come back for Indiana Jones 4, and seems willing to do a fifth. Plus there's always the chance he takes part in Ridley Scott's Blade Runner follow-up.

So what do you think? Do you want to see Harrison Ford come back as Han Solo? Or should they move on from him, Solo, and Leia altogether?


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