Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Carrie Fisher says she'll be back for 'Star Wars: Episode VII'

Carrie Fisher has made no secret of her desire to return for Star Wars: Episode VII.  Way back in November she was saying she'd come back as Princess Leia in a heartbeat, and now it sounds as if she'll do just that. While talking to the Palm Beach Illustrated, Fisher was asked pointblank if she'd return, and here's how the exchange went...
Question: Disney is going to continue the Star Wars saga, producing movies set to hit theaters starting in 2015. Can you confirm whether you’ll reprise the role of Princess Leia?

Fisher: "Yes."

Doesn't get any more plain than that.  Fisher can be a bit of a jokester so hopefully she's not pulling a fast one here. The pieces seem to be falling into place for all of the "big three" to return now. Fisher, Harrison Ford, and Mark Hamill's involvement has been rumored for months, but last we heard no contracts had been signed. That's either changed, or Fisher is deep enough in the negotiations to make such a statement.

Or she's pulling our leg. Always a possibility.


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