Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bryan Singer teases Trask Industries in latest 'X-men: Days of Future Past' set photo

Ever since we learned that Peter Dinklage would be part of Bryan Singer's X-men: Days of Future Past, the prevailing theories had him as Alpha Flight member Puck, or as one of the infamous Trask family. The latter idea is one I've had since the beginning, because we know the Sentinels will be a major part of the story, and you can't have Sentinels without the family that built them. Combine that Singer stating CGI won't be used on Dinklage in any form, and the actor's Traskian mustache (although it resembles Puck as well), and all of the pieces fit.

Now Singer has tweeted yet another set photo, and this one has what appears to be a Trask Industries grunt in a company jumpsuit. This could be just some red herring Singer's trying to pull, but it's doubtful. This doesn't mean that Dinklage is playing a Trask, but it does lend credence to the idea. There are a lot of Trasks running around causing trouble in the Marvel Universe, so we could see any one of them. Or for that matter, we could see all of them. Perhaps Singer is trying to make them a contentious, manipulative family unit like the Lannister clan in Game of Thrones? Dinklage would certainly feel right at home in that scenario.

X-men: Days of Future Past stars too many people to name, and opens on July 18th 2014.