Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Vin Diesel Teases His Role In the Marvel Universe

Rumors that Vin Diesel could be joining The Avengers sequel have been around for a long time, and it's safe to say he's heard every single one of them. A couple of weeks ago, he threw hot gasoline onto the fire by revealing that he had a meeting scheduled with Marvel, even hinting that his Facebook fans, of which he is fiercely loyal and surprisingly open with, had a better idea what it could be about than him. Now the meeting is done, and Diesel is reveling in sending out mixed messages about what came out of it.

First of all, the image posted by Diesel prominently features The Avengers #2 comic and "The New Giant-Man" Hank Pym. Unless Diesel is being asked to play the Space Phantom, chances are he's hinting at possibly playing Pym, who is also the hero known as Ant-Man. Diesel could be suggesting he's the guy to lead Edgar Wright's Ant-Man film, and thus make an appearance as part of the team in The Avengers 2.

But then there's what Diesel actually had to say about it, and assuming he chose these words for a specific reason, it would be to serve as a reminder of the earlier rumors about his possible role....

"Marvel meeting today… Only the people in the room can tell you what was discussed… P.s. Thanks to Our page, for pushing to make it happen… you know I get tunnel vision with my work… and after that meeting today… wow!"

It's the "tunnel vision" line that's important, because it seems to come out of nowhere, and will have fans remembering that he's been rumored for the role of the android Vision. This could all be Diesel throwing the Internet marks off of the scent, because surely Marvel would prefer to unveil his true role next week at Comic-Con.

I've been joking for a couple of weeks that fanboys would pee themselves if Marvel made Vin Diesel Ant-Man, but maybe it's not as far off as I thought? I'll be there during the Marvel panel next week, and if Vin Diesel shows up I'll let you know ASAP.


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