Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Vin Diesel Teases "Love Story" For His Marvel Role; Is He Really Thanos?

As expected, Vin Diesel couldn't totally get through his Riddick panel at Comic-Con without being asked about his meeting with Marvel. Diesel, who seems to really be into stringing his fans along, said that we'd hear an announcement at the end of the month, and sure enough he wasn't mentioned at all during the Marvel panel. After teasing us with the possibility of his being Ant-Man and the android Vision, Diesel provided another hint to EW....

Diesel:  "I could tell you that Marvel was excited about bringing a different kind of relationship or love story, I guess kind of inspired from the Dom-Letty relationship (from Fast & The Furious), into the Marvel universe."

This one is almost too obvious to be taken seriously. Diesel seems to be suggesting that he'll be taking on the role of Thanos, and the love story would be his infatuation with the female embodiment of Death. Thanos' primary mission has been to commit murder on such a scale that it impresses Death enough that she'll take him as her lover.  It's not the first time Diesel has been mentioned for the role, but now that we know he'll be in Guardians of the Galaxy and not in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, it holds a bit more weight.

Then again, would Diesel really drop such an obvious clue when the answer is only a few days away?


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