Tuesday, November 12, 2013

'Independence Day 2' Jets to 2016

Looks like there will be at least a few more dollars in your pocket come summer 2015 as one of the season's heavy-hitters just got bumped by nearly a full year. 20th Century Fox, who just shuffled around their line-up in a major way, have moved Roland Emmerich's Independence Day 2 from July 3rd 2015 to July 1st 2016.

As of now there's no word if Will Smith will return to play Captain Steve Hiller, and the actor has been flaky about making a decision. Emmerich is hoping for the best but preparing for the worst by having two scripts written, one with Smith and the other without. Bill Pullman and Jeff Goldblum are confirmed to return, and rumors have named Michael B. Jordan as a potential co-star.


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