Friday, November 8, 2013

Has Zack Snyder found his Nightwing for 'Superman vs. Batman?

Warner Bros has no comment at the moment but TheWrap is reporting that several sources have told them Adam Driver, from the HBO series Girls, is the front runner to play the grown up Dick Grayson aka Nightwing in the Man of Steel sequel. The casting sheet apparently called for a a young John Hawkes...not where I would go for Nightwing but I'm sure they know a bit more than I. Adam Driver, who apparently is pretty popular, had tons of pictures out there but I went ahead and picked the buffest to kind of give us an idea. Physically, it seems, he'll be able to stand next to Affleck and Cavill on screen and while his look isn't right from central casting I think he could bring the dark side that Nightwing is supposed to have. Honestly I'm just stoked they're including the adult Robin, Nightwing's always been cool but lately...especially after Injustice his stock has greatly grown in my eyes. I do have one concern with this, it's not the casting really but more the inclusion of Nightwing. This coming on the heels of the casting for Batman's love interest really makes you wonder how much this is Man of Steel 2, I know Batman's a fan favorite but don't sell Snyder and Cavill's Kal-El short, Man of Steel was the start of a truly great Superman so give him his due, don't make him stand in the shadow of the Caped Crusader, he's had his time.


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