Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Two Red Band Trailers for 'Neighbors' Starring Seth Rogen and Zac Efron

While we've come to expect Seth Rogen as the pot-smoking party guy in R-rated comedies, but next month we'll have a chance to see him play the boring old married guy in Neighbors. And instead, it'll be the formerly squeaky-clean Zac Efron offering up the crudest gags while Rogen plays the straight man. That role reversal is the draw surrounding the Nicholas Stoller-directed film, which has just released two more red band trailers.

Efron plays the head of a rowdy fraternity making the lives of their married neighbors, played by Rogen and Rose Byrne, miserable with their constant partying. Pretty soon, it's a battle for neighborhood supremacy as an open war of lewd pranks erupts.

Neighbors rolls out the welcome mat on May 9th.


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