Friday, February 24, 2012

1st set photos from the 'Star Trek' sequel show Spock and Uhura vs. Benedict Cumberbatch!

What do we really know about the next Star Trek movie from J.J. Abrams? Not a heck of a lot, really. Certainly nothing about the plot, with hopes that some sort of rematch with Khan not really panning out. The previous cast is expected to return, along with new faces Alice Eve, Noel Clarke, Peter Weller, and Benedict Cumberbatch presumably as a villain.

There are some hints as to the nature of Cumberbatch's character in the first photos from the film's set. In them, we see Spock(Zachary Quinto) locking the Vulcan nerve pinch on Cumberbatch during some sort of pitched battle aboard a "space barge". Spock's colleague and girlfriend, Uhura(Zoe Saldana) can be seen taking aim at Cumberbatch in the second image. So yeah, I would say Cumberbatch is definitely not on the side of the angels. MTV, who snagged the photos(via On Location News), also reveal that Cumberbatch is wearing a black version of the Starfleet uniform under his silver jacket. A possible Starfleet traitor? Or maybe he's a hero from a totally different timeline?

Star Trek 2 is set to open in it's 3D glory on May 17th 2013.


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