Friday, July 16, 2010

Confirmed: Kevin Bacon is the Villain in X-Men: First Class. But which villain?

Variety is finally confirming what's been rumored for the last week that Kevin Bacon is indeed signed to play the villain in Matthew Vaughn's mutant origin story, X-Men: First Class. This follows on the heels of the signing of Jennifer Lawrence to play Mystique.

The question remains who exactly Bacon will be playing. Most are speculating that it will be Mister Sinister, a constant thorn in the side of the X-men, a superhuman geneticist who has a peculiar interest in the bloodline of Scott "Cyclops" Summers and his brother Alex "Havok" Summers. My initial thought was that Bacon would play a much simpler villain, one who doesn't come with quite the baggage that Sinister does. It would make more sense to use an anti-mutant group such as the Friends of Humanity for an origin story like this, so maybe Bacon would play Graydon Creed or a young William Stryker. Just a guess.


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